Allen Rector Linda Rutherford Balloonmeister 1998 Executive Director 1979-89 Balloonmeisters typically have years of Hall of Fame 2001 experience before they become the Balloon One of the fi rst female corporate balloon pi- Fiesta’s chief fl ying events offi cer, and Allen lots, Linda Rutherford was well-known even Rector’s path is typical – he fl ew in the Bal- before becoming the Balloon Fiesta’s fi rst loon Fiesta as a pilot and served as a safety paid staff member and Executive Director. offi cer and assistant balloonmeister before She laid the groundwork for the year-round assuming the top job. staff and volunteer operation that makes the Balloon Fiesta happen. Dick Rice Tom Rutherford President 1983; Heritage Award 2016 Hall of Fame 1983; Heritage Award 2010 Hall of Fame 2015 As a young KOB radio employee, Tom In 1975, with the Balloon Fiesta’s existence Rutherford was instrumental in organizing teetering in the balance, Richard (Dick) Rice was KOB’s 50th anniversary celebration, resulting brought onto the fi rst Citizen’s Committee to in the fi rst Balloon Fiesta. Tom became a manage the event’s fi nances. He’s still doing it, corporate balloonist and state legislator, and having served as treasurer from 1978-85 and for 40 years as an event announcer was the from 2002 to the present. When Dick’s not busy golden voice of the Balloon Fiesta. writing checks, he is still an active balloon pilot. Mike Rice Jim Schumacher President 2014-15 President 1993 When Mike Rice joined the Balloon Fiesta Albuquerque restauranteur Jim Schum- board in 2002, he was an experienced avi- acher brought his business acumen to the ation administrator as well as a balloonist. Board of Directors, and to his roles as Vice As is the case with most AIBF presidents, President and President, working with local he served as secretary and vice-president organizations to resolve issues and promote before assuming the presidency. the Balloon Fiesta. Henry Rosenbaum Harry Season Balloonmeister 2019-2022 Balloonmeister 1992-93: Hall of Fame 2009 Henry Rosenbaum, the Balloon Fiesta’s 25th President 2000-01 and current balloonmeister, is beginning Harry Season was Balloon Fiesta president his fourth year in the job (counting 2020, during two of its most historic years: the when the Balloon Fiesta was postponed). “1,000 in 2000” largest Balloon Fiesta ever, Like most balloonmeisters, he worked his and 2001, when the event lifted spirits and way up the ladder as a safety offi cer and as helped to heal a shattered world in the wake assistant balloonmeister. of 9-11. Harry still serves on the Balloon Fiesta board. Bob Ruppenthal John Sena Balloonmeister 1976; President 1989-90 President 2010-11; Hall of Fame 2013 Hall of Fame 1991; Heritage Award 2007 A colorful storyteller and longtime In 1973, a group of grubby British balloonists balloonist, John Sena (so far) has served participating in the World Championships were more than two decades on the board. A taken in by the Ruppenthal family, and that was banker by trade, John was the event’s just the beginning of Bob Ruppenthal’s storied treasurer and fi nancial advisor for many involvement in the Balloon Fiesta. Bob was also years. John is also the founder of another of a huge contributor to ballooning safety through New Mexico’s iconic ballooning events, the his research, lectures and articles. Taos Mountain Balloon Rally. Marge Ruppenthal Jim Shiver President 1980-81; Hall of Fame 1988 President 1986-88; Hall of Fame 1993 Executive Director 1989-95 Heritage Award 2011 Heritage Award 2007 Guests enjoy today’s Balloon Fiesta Park in Marge Ruppenthal, like her husband Bob, large part thanks to the eff orts of Jim Shiver. became an accomplished pilot before He played a major role in securing the property, serving in just about every leadership role in and through his construction company contrib- Balloon Fiesta. She was Executive Direc- uted thousands of dollars and man-hours to tor for six of the Balloon Fiesta’s greatest building this and previous launch sites. Jim is growth years, which included the addition of the Balloon Fiesta's only three-time President. the Balloon Glow and Special Shape Rodeo. OFFICIAL PROGRAM 267

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