Gail Short Kim Vesely President 1984 Heritage Award 2009; Hall of Fame 2012 Matriarch of a ballooning family – she, her A former TV journalist and a writer and am- husband, and son all were pilots – Gail Short ateur historian, Kim Vesely has documented spent countless hours behind the scenes ballooning and the Balloon Fiesta for nearly doing all the little things that make any great a half-century through articles, video, and event happen before becoming vice presi- photographs, as co-author of three books, dent and then president of AIBF. and editor of the offi cial program. She is also a balloon pilot and serves as an offi cial, volunteer, and commentator. Paul Smith Bill Walker Executive Director 1997-Present President 2012-13 Heritage Award 2022 As an ex-FBI agent, Bill Walker has been an For half the Balloon Fiesta’s history, Paul invaluable advisor on event traffi c and security Smith has been in charge. An attorney by and an all-around whatever-you need Balloon training, he served the Balloon Fiesta in Fiesta liaison. A balloonist since 1993, board that capacity before becoming Executive member since 1999, and board President a Director in 1997. When not working (which decade ago, Bill still serves on the Board. is almost never), he’s a highly-regarded and successful competitive balloonist. Mark Sullivan Mark Wilson President 1997-98; Hall of Fame 1999 Balloonmeister 1979 Mark Sullivan is a championship-caliber Mark Wilson was the fi rst to standardize the pilot in both hot air and gas balloons and the information Balloon Fiesta pilots receive by current president of the World Air Sports presenting their pre-event briefi ng through a Federation (FAI) Ballooning Commission. A video. Mark was one of Albuquerque’s ear- member of the AIBF board since 1989, he liest pilots and instructors and taught many is a co-founder of the Special Shape Rodeo fi rst-generation New Mexico balloonists. and founder of the America’s Challenge gas race. Art Swenka Steve Yazzie President 2002-03 Balloonmeister 1999-2000 Businessman, balloonist, and philanthro- Hall of Fame 2006 pist, Art Swenka devoted time, energy, and Jovial, always professional, and breaking money to supporting ballooning events and ground for diversity, Steve Yazzie served as activities around the state for more than two a safety offi cer and – at the 2000 Balloon decades before joining the AIBF board and Fiesta, the largest ever – the fi rst Native serving as President. American Balloonmeister. A fi ne pilot himself, he was highly respected among his colleagues and fellow balloonists. Al Tetreault Ed Yost Hall of Fame 2007 Balloonmeister 1973 President 2021-Present 1973 balloonmeister Ed Yost is the generally Today’s Balloon Fiesta public safety acknowledged inventor of the modern hot operation owes a huge debt to current air balloon, fl ew most of the way across the AIBF President Al Tetreault. As a law Atlantic solo, and built (among others) Double enforcement offi cer and a member of the Eagle II and Double Eagle V, the balloons Balloon Fiesta board, Al brought together that completed the fi rst successful manned federal, state, and local law enforcement crossings of the Atlantic and the Pacifi c. agencies to keep guests safe. Ken Tuley (Art Lloyd, Jr.) Ty Young Hall of Fame 2021 President 2018-19 Ken Tuley brought Balloon Fiesta into the As a wide-eyed little boy visiting Balloon digital age, remaking the website, devel- Fiesta, Ty Young traded pins with Sid Cutter oping apps and operational software, and and so began a lifelong love aff air with both founding and (as his alter ego, Art Lloyd Jr.) balloons and pins. Now a successful busi- hosting Balloon Fiesta Live!, which streams nessman, expert on Balloon Fiesta collect- live coverage of all Balloon Fiesta fl ying ibles, and former AIBF President, Ty’s journey events. He’s also a longtime volunteer sets an example for how 50 years of Balloon offi cial and pilot. Fiestas have changed and aff ected lives. ® Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 268

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