AAAA Board of Directors PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT BLAIR KAUFMAN PETER CUNEO ph: 505.259.8632 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] SECRETARY TREASURER TAYLOR CALDWELL DICK RICE email: [email protected] ph:505.239.0200 email: [email protected] FLYING EVENTS COMMUNITY RELATIONS DOUG GANTT JASON BURNS email: [email protected] email: [email protected] EDUCATION SPECIAL EVENTS PEG BILSON CHRIS MC CORD email: [email protected] email: [email protected] CREW DEVELOPMENT WAYS & MEANS SUE PALMER KAREN CONVERSE email: [email protected] email: [email protected] The Cloudbouncer is a monthly publication of the AAAA Education Foundation. P.O. Box 91030; Albuquerque, New Mexico 87199-1030 The AAAA Education Foundation strives to provide the most valuable forum. Editorials are solely opin- ions of the authors and do not express the official view of AAAA. We authorize the reprinting of any con- tent in the spirit of the free exchange of information with credit to the author and AAAA Cloudbouncer as the source. Acceptance of advertising cannot imply endorsement of products or services by AAAA nor Cloudbouncer Editor, Publisher or Staff. Please send articles and photos to cloudbouncer@hotair- Deadline for all submissions is the Wednesday before the General Meeting. Articles, photographs and advertisments received after the deadline will be published in a future issue if they are still relevant. aaaa cloudbouncer january 2023 1