Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 8 COLD AIR INFLATABLES - A separ ate a g reement wi th AIBF m us t be signed! Please contact a sponso rs hip team member. SECURITY – Additional security can be arra nged through the AIBF Public Safety office. Please contact the Public Safety Manager at the number below to determine cost s and a vaila b ility. Sean Wallace Public Safety Director 505. 821.10 00 swallace STAFFING If you require staff to help with your exhibit, the following names are furnished for your convenience. Ball oon Fiesta makes no representation as to thei r abi l ities or availabili ty . Rattler Booster Club (Staffing – n onprofit) Justin McGar vey (505) 8 4 6 - 5522 PARKING Regardless of your sponsorship, parking passes are in c luded in yo u r package. Ad di tional parking passes may be purchase d at the Sponsor Information Center or by completing the spons or Additional Items Form and returning it prior to the event. All nine - day parking passes have maps on the reverse side to help y o u locate th e route you m u st take for your parking. Keep in mind that weekend and evening sessions are busier than weekday mor ning events, so plan your trip accordingly. Please note that simply having a certain type of parking pass is not a guarantee of a parking spa c e being avai l ab le. Plan to a rrive at the Park n o lat er than 4:30 am for morning sessions, and 4: 0 0pm for evening se ssions. If you arrive after the recommended times, we cannot ensure availability of parking. FIRST AID The Lovelace Health S y stem First A id Center is ad jacent to the Public Safety Cent er, l ocated east of Main Street behind booth space # 85 . Lovelace He alth System emergency medical professionals provide on - site emergency medical care for problems ranging from minor scrapes to hea r t attacks. SECURITY P ol ice and Security Officers are on the field for your protection. In the event you need assistance an d cannot locate a n officer, please go to the Public Safety building, located east of Main Street behind booth space #85 . The Publ i c Safety co m pound is man n ed 24 hours a day during Balloon F iesta . AIBF assumes no liability for damages caused by theft, vand alism, weather conditions, etc.

Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook - Page 8 Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook Page 7 Page 9