Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 7 SERVICE PROVIDERS SHIP PING For se c urity, you must noti f y us in adva nce when to expect your shi pment, and its contents. Address all shipments to: Damian Du ran - Arias Balloon Fiesta 8901 Washington Street NE Albuquerque, NM 87113 Re: (your company) /booth/exhibit/inserts ELECT RICAL Da mian Duran - Arias , Field M an ager (505) 907 - 5444 BALLOON RIDES Ra inbow Ryders Official Balloon Ride Company (505) 823 - 1111 (800 ) 725 - 2477 E - mail: [email protected] TRAVEL and HOTE L RESERV ATIO N S l loonfiesta hotels .com Check under Guest Guide for hotel and ca r rental information. ( 505) 346 - 0522 (833) 229 - 9777 RV RESERVATIONS h ttp:/ / www.balloonfiesta.c om / rv - information Reservations for RV space at Balloon Fiesta Park will only be made online through the Balloon Fi esta RV link above . Phone reservations will not be accepted. The following information is provided as a conv enience for y ou. AIBF is not af fi liated with these companies and no en do rsement is intended. TENTS If you need to order a tent for your exhibit space, AIBF contracts with Choura Events . They can be reached at 310 - 320 - 6200. PROPANE If you need propane, tanks will b e provided by the A IB F - selected supplier. The propane supp li er will bill you directly for propane use. AIBF will supply propane for Corporate Village patio heaters. To order, contact a Sponsorship Team representative.

Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook - Page 7 Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook Page 6 Page 8