Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 10 Noise – Operat ion of sound equi pment, sound movies, bullhorns, televisions, radios, etc. shal l not be permitted when AIBF, in its sole discretion, determines such ope ration is obnoxious or encroaches upon the rights of othe r s. Equipme n t or display s causing excessive no ise will not be p ermitted. Pets – Pets are not allowed on Balloon Fiesta Park ; however trained and registered service animals are allowed. According to NMSA 1978 Section 28 - 11 - 6, emotional support animals a r e not consi d e red service animals. Smoking – Smoking is prohibi ted inside Balloon Fiest a Park by city ordinance. Vehicle A ccess – No sleeping or staying overnight is allowed on the Launch Field o r in P arking, C oncession or Corporate Village areas. If a vehicle is t o be left i n any of these areas , prior arrangement s must be made with Publ ic Safety and access to the vehicle mu st be granted. Failure to abide by these terms and conditions may result in immediate dismissal from current Balloon Fiesta sessi on s, or any fu t ure events . FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Who orga nizes the Balloon Fiest a ® ? Albuquerque International Balloon F iesta, Inc. organizes the Balloon Fiesta each year. It is a nonprofit or ganization with 1 9 full - time staff members. Hundreds of vo l unteers al so assist wit h Bal loon Fiesta. When should I arrive at Balloon Fiesta Park? Crowds for some of our sessions may re ach 90,000 people, so plan to arrive sooner rather than later. On weeke nd mornings we recommend you arrive at the Park by 4:3 0am ( Gates open a t 4:30am). For evening sessio ns, try to be at the Park by 4:0 0pm (Gates o pen at 3: 3 0pm). Where do we stand to w atch the balloons? Because of our 4 9 + year safety record, we are one of the only aviation events where you are actually able to wa l k among th e b alloons an d talk to the pilots. We are a hands - on event, but please be co urteous and walk around the balloons wh en they are laid out on the ground. Are pets allowed at Balloon Fiesta Park? Pets – No, however trained and registered service an i mals are a ll o wed. Acco r ding to NMSA 1978 Section 28 - 11 - 6, emot ional support animals a re not considered service animals. Is smoking allowed at Balloon Fiesta Park? Smoking is not allowed on the La unch Field. Are large packages and backpacks allowed at the park? Ye s , but all p ackages and backpacks are subject to se arch upon entering the Park.

Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook - Page 10 Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook Page 9 Page 11