Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 11 Is B alloon Fiesta Park handicap accessible? Yes, we have handicap parking available as well as scooters and wheelchairs available for rent. There are also designa t ed courtesy g uest car t s that run behind the Concession tents on the east side of the Launch Field . How long does it take th e balloons to launch? It should take less than 2 hours to launch the balloons. Do balloons fly in the evening? No, the balloons are inflate d then te the r ed in a static display after sunset so their burners will illuminate the envelopes. Please check the Event Schedule for evening session dates and times. How many acres is Balloon F iesta Park? Balloon Fiesta Park is over 360 acre s, with the L aunch Fi eld more than 80 acres – about the size of 54 football fields. Are there ATM machines located at Balloon Fiesta Park? ATM machines are located at the north, middle (near Main Stage), and south ends of Main Street. Is there seating a vailable at B alloon Fi est a Park? Yes, a limited number of picnic tables are available on the east side of the Launch Field. Gu ests are also welcome to bring chairs to Balloon Fiesta Park. What should I wear? Temperatures in the morning may be as low as 40 degrees Fah r enheit, w arm ing up to about 70 degrees by noon. Bri ng a jacket and dress in layers. R emember to wear comfortable walking shoes and bring sunscreen. Is there Security at Balloon Fiesta Park? Poli ce Officers and Security Officers are on the fie ld for your p rotection . In the event you need assistance and ca nnot locate a security officer, pl ease go to the Public Safety building, located east of booth space #85 . The Public Safety building is manned 24 hours a day. AIBF assumes no liability for d amages cause d by theft , v andalism, weather conditions, etc. Wha t are the dates of future Balloon Fiestas? 2022 : October 1 - 9 ( 50 th Event) 2023 : October 7 - 15 2 024: October 5 - 1 3

Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook - Page 11 Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook Page 10 Page 12