Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 14 C I TY OF ALBUQ U ERQUE MANDATORY FIRE CODE S General Fire Safety 1. Each and every tent, booth, structure , concession vehicle area o r section, shall have available at least one hand - held fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2A:10BC. Such extinguisher shal l be current l y inspected and be tagged showing it s annual servicing. 2. Sidewalls, drops, and tops of a ll tents, canopies, and tem porary membrane structures shall m eet “State of Califo rnia Fire Marshal’s Office” certified fire - retardant construction as per Se c tion 2404.2 of the IFC. No other type of canopy/t ent will be allowed. 3. Vegetation, straw, hay, wood chips, bark or other simila r combustible materials shall not be used as flooring mate rial cover in any vendor, display or assembly area. 4. Decorative materia l shall be o f non - combustible type or shall be mad e “Flame Retardant” in accordance with the fire co de. 5. Firebreaks that are erec ted in each row of tents or struc tures shall be kept f ree of any material(s) at all times. 6. Fire lanes shall be kept clear of veh i cles during hours of operation. 7. Parki ng of motor vehicles or anything with an internal combustion e ngine shall not be closer th an thirty (30) feet to any tent, booth or structure. N OTE: Vehicles may be used for storage only if the vehicle is not moved or t he engine i s not started for the dura tion of the event. Vehicles are not to be located within the t ent. Fuel tanks shall be sea led, be no more than ¼ tank full, or hold no more than fiv e (5) gallons. One battery cable shall be disconnected. Concrete barri e rs will be p laced behind the vendor r ow after the first day of the Balloon Fiesta in order to seal in any parked vehicles used for storage. 8. At least one “NO SMO KING” sign shall be p oste d in each booth or area. Signs shall be posted in areas conspicuous to the public. 9. Only approved and listed UL, FM, or N RTL three wire extension cords will be allowed to be used . Frayed, broken, cra cked or taped insulation will not be acceptable. Mult i - pl ug adapters shall not be used, but “strip plugs” with their own circui t breakers m a y be used. Voltage drop m ust be consi dered with length of extension cord and wire gauge used. C ooking and L.P. Gas (Propane) NOTE: All items from preceding section als o ap ply. 1. There is no natural gas available in the Exhibit areas. The use o f propane g a s will be allowed. There shall be No Smoking allowed in the area between temporary stru cture and jersey barriers an d within 15 feet of propane tanks behind vendor row. 2. A ny a reas used for cooking of products that produce grease - laden vapors, sh a ll meet the minimum extinguisher requ irement for each booth or space of a 2A:10BC. In addition , a c urrently inspected and tagge d for service “Type K” wet chemic al extinguisher shall be available in cooking areas.

Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook - Page 14 Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook Page 13 Page 15