Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 15 3. L.P. Gas supply shall be handled by certi fi ed L.P. Ga s personnel only . Supplier shall provid e a 124 - gallon maximum capacity tank for each foo d vendor stand. Connections m ay manifold to supply additional cooking or heating de vic es within that particular food vendor stand if in compliance with NFPA 5 8, and Cha p ter 38 of the IFC. No ind ependent, pri vately owned tanks shall be in use, except on aux iliary units, such as approve d L.P. Gas tent heaters. Balloon Fiesta shall be respo nsi ble for arranging the proper placement of tanks. NOTE: Refilling of t an ks is perm i tted only during non - sess ion hours. 4. L. P. Gas (propane) must be shut off at the supply d uring times when the tent is not occupied. 5. Any hose used to p ipe L.P. Gas to a devi ce shall be UL or FM listed specifically for LP Gas service. All coupling s, fittings, and any other devices sha ll meet the r equirements for LP Gas Service as outlined in the International Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 58 and NFPA 54, or be deem ed unapproved and remo ved from service. 6. All cooking appliances shall be listed and approved. Al l deep - fryin g shall be conducted in a listed and ap proved deep fryer. 7. All appliances used in food bo oths must have an accessible shut - off valve near the applianc e that can be easily c los ed in case of emergency. 8. Gas burning equipment in enclosed areas shall b e vented t o the outside air by means of a flue or vent approved for use with the type of equipment used in such a manner that n o portion of the tent or struc ture is within twelve (1 2 ) inches of the flue or vent. 9. A minimum clear space of three (3) feet s h all be allo w ed between any heat prod ucing device and combustible material(s), except as noted belo w: A heat producing device may be installed within three (3) feet if the walls of the structure in which it is installed have a minimum 5/8 type X gypsum boa r d, or the d e vice has 5/8 type X gyps um board on b oth sides closest to the tent or temporary membra ne structure and a minimum of t hirty - six (36) inches above th e heated surface of the d evice. Cooking and L.P. Gas (Propane) EXAMPLE 5/8" sheetrock wall of tent or str u cture minimum 3 ft. clea rance or 5/8' sheetrock secured in place both exposed sides 10. The owner or operator sh all check the LP Gas, devices o r appliance upon “setti ng up” and then whenever changes, adjustments or refills occur. This can b e done with soapy water sprayed on v alves, fittin gs, etc. 11. Toxic, explosive or flammable gases shall not be permitted in any booth or tent. Flammable liquid s shall not be used at an y time.

Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook - Page 15 Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook Page 14 Page 16