Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 16 The above requirements are excerpts from the City of Albuquerq u e Fire Code , Ordinance No. 0 - 2005 - 03 4, and are LA W . Failure to comply with these guidelines will r esult in the citing, closure o r removal of the operation from Balloon Fiesta site by a uthorities. The City of Albuquerque has adopted the Fire Code into Ord i nance 0 - 200 5 - 034 in order for the Al buquerque Fir e Department to prescribe minimum standards regul ating conditions hazardous to life and property from fire and explosion within the c it y. The Fire Department’s Fire Marshal’s Office shall contact and inspec t all occupa n cies (buildings, busines ses, faciliti es, tents, booths, temporary membrane structures, etc.) to determine compliance with the requirements of the F ire Code. The Fire Dep ar tment shall collect fees for each inspection of an occupancy required t o obtain a p e rmit according to Chapte r 1 Section 1 05 of the 2003 International Fire Code . The inspe ction fee schedule is as follo ws: an initial inspection for a permit will be based o n square footage; no fee for the first required re - inspection; thereafter , each addit i onal re - inspection is $6 0.00 until yo ur facility is operating in compliance with the F ire Code. It is unlawful for a ny person, firm or corporation to use a building or pr em ises or engage in any activities for which a permit is required by the F ire Code wi t hout having first obtain ed such permi t as required by the provision of the Fire Code. If there are any questions reg arding these items, please feel free to contact the Fi re Marshal's Office at (505) 764 - 6300 during regular business hours. COR PORATE VILL A G E The following information sho uld be helpful if your spon sorship includes a Fiesta Tent or a Corporat e Tent . Fiesta Tents, Corporate Tents a nd the Sponsor Hospitality Area are collectiv ely known as Corporate Village. Corpora te Village is located at t he far south end of the launch fi eld at Balloon Fi esta Park. Fiesta Tents are the first s ix tents on the east side and th e two tents east of the G ondola club , beginning just west of Main Stre et. Corporate Tents make up the remaind er of the ten t spaces, w i t h the Sponsor Hospitality buildin g located near th e center o f the south end of the launch field. Fiesta and Corporate Ho spitality Tents are 40’ x 20’ tents with approximately 40’ x 40’ patio s. Your patio area will have twelve (12 ) 48” round t ables with s i x (6) chairs at each table. Insid e the tent, for y our catere r’s use, will be four (4) 8’ tables. All tab les include clean linen. Each Fiesta Tent will also have two (2) heaters and two (2) tr ash cans. One (1) can will be located i n the patio a rea, and on e (1) will be at the patio entrance because food and drinks ar e not allowed to leave the Corporate Village area. Each tent will be equipped with at least one hand - held fire extinguisher with a rating of 2A:10BC. Such extinguisher sh all be curren tly inspect e d and tagged showing its annual se rvicing. If you a re not sat isfied with the condition of your Fiesta Ten t before your eve nt, please visit the Spon sor Information Center, located in Corporate Village. Sponsor Representatives will b e visiting yo ur Fiesta T e n t to make sure everything is in g ood order. If you will be serving alcohol in your hospitality tent (Fi esta or Corporate Tent) y ou must name AIBF as an additional insured and provide a certi ficate of $1,000,000

Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook - Page 16 Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook Page 15 Page 17