Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 17 “host liability” i nsurance prio r to the st a r t of Bal loon Fiesta no later than September 1st. (This cove rage is probably included in your basic insu rance policy.) Each Hospitality Tent wil l have One (1) 120 - volt 20 - amp outlet per 2 0’ frontage . Please make sure you have ad equate extens ion cords t o support your electrical needs. Co de Enforcement inspectors r equire that no less than 14 gauge molded “outdoor rated” exte nsion cords be used. Whe n you rent a Fiesta Tent for a session, Ballo on Fiesta will pro vide signage with you r company nam e. This sig n a ge is then placed on a flag stand in the patio area of your tent before your session. This allows your guests to se e whic h tent your com pany is oc cupying. Each Fiesta Tent has a number on the back, or south side, of the tent. This is to enable your cater e r to identify your tent. Your cate rer must know which tent yo u will be occupying. A confirmation letter will be sent to yo u with this inf ormation i n September . Corporate Tent sponsors will hav e their company names on the back of th eir tents and on the fla g stand in their patio area. Inclu ded in your Fiesta Tent or Corporate Tent sponsorship is a number of “guest wristb ands ” or Corporate Vi llage butt ons. These wristbands or buttons allow your guests entry into your tent area. Pleas e note that n e ither a wr is t band n or a button is valid for p arking or admission to the Park. Any additional tables and chairs required for your t ent must be ordered from our official tent/equipment supplie r , Choura Events at 310 - 320 - 6200 . Orders after A ugust 1 st may i ncur a lat e f ee. Ch arges for additional tabl es and chairs must be paid to the tent provider at time of order with a credit card. Pl ease do not remove furnis hings from other tents or patios. Admiss ion to Fiesta Te nt and Corporate Tent Hospi t ality Area s : G uests will b e admitted to Corporate Village o nly upon presentation of a wristband identifying them as an invited guest. Fiesta Tent s ponsorship contracts incl ude 150 wristbands for each tent rented; how ever, up to 1 00 more may be requested a t no charge. Pl ease keep in mind the seating capacity of you r tent when ordering additi onal wristbands. Children 1 2 and under accompanied by an adul t do not require a wristb and for entry. Note: Guest wristbands and/ or buttons ar e not valid for parking or a dmission to B alloon Fie st a Park. PLEASE ADVISE YOUR GUE STS THAT EARLY ARRIVAL IS E SSENTIAL! We recommend that your guests be on the field by 4: 30 am for morning session s and 4:0 0 pm for evening sessions. Parking in the lots south of your Hospitality Tent area requi res a Corp or a te Village Parking “B” Pass. Th e rev erse side of the Corpo rate Village Parking Pass contains both a map and written dir ections for accessing the lot. After crossing over the bridge into t he parking area, you should make an imm ediate right tu rn to park . Any vehicle other than Official Chase Vehicles north of the Corporate Village tents (on the Launch Field side of the ten ts) will be towed at owne r’s expense.
Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook Page 16 Page 18