Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 18 Trans it Bus Pass passengers mus t have an admission ticket to enter Bal loon Fiesta Par k. Guest w r istbands and/or buttons ar e not valid for a dmission to Ball oon Fiesta Park. CATERING & RELATED CATERERS AIBF has c ontracted with a “preferr ed caterer” for Corporate Village Tents. We will provide their contact information to you upon req uest. Alte rn a tively, you may contract with a different catering company provided they comply with AIBF rules for caterers. Please no te all Corporate Village caterers must register with Balloon Fiesta a s well as provide a copy of a Temporary Food permit is sued by th e C ity of Albuquerque Environmental He alth Department no later tha n September 1 st . We must know the name of your catering company, date and session it will be catering and the size of its cat ering vehicle. Because of space constra ints, Balloon F iesta may be required to limit the number, lo cation and siz e of catering vehicles and f acilities. All catering vehicles requir e Parki ng Pass. One of the two C orporate Village Parking Passes valid for yo ur session (specified in your contract) must be provid ed to your c a terer. CLEAN - UP • T he use of g lass bottles on the grass a reas of Balloon Fiesta Park is pr ohibited both because of the danger of broken glass a nd the difficulty of removing bottle caps. B ottle caps hidden in the grass cause ma jor problems with the Cit y’s m o wing equipment • It is expected that your tent and surroun ding areas will be left in as good a shape as you found them, with the exception of re asonable wear and tear. All trash must be pi cked up and remove d from the tent and p atio area. Please make s ure y o ur caterer removes all food a nd equipment prior to leavi ng the Park. • Balloon Fiesta will make sure that your tent ar ea and tables are clean b efore your event, however, we do not do any cleaning of tables during the event. S ince your tent is your pr ivate area during each event, there will be no trash pickup se rvice inside your tent or patio area. Trash bags will be supp lied, and when trash cans are full, please remove the bag, tie it shu t and place it beh ind your tent for pic kup. If you find that y ou do not have a sufficient number of trash bags, please notif y a Sponsor Representative in the Sponsor Information Center and they will assist you. LIQUOR GUIDELINES • Liquor service is allowe d and may be served all nine days, incl u ding Sundays. • No alcohol may b e sold or purchased in Corpor ate Village. • You must utili ze “certified” alcohol servers. • Liquor service must be to you r invited guests only. • Mi nors may not serve, possess or consume alcoh ol. • Intoxicated persons may not possess or consume alcoho l. • No a lcoh o l may be removed from your ten t and patio area. • You must obtain the alcohol prior to Balloon Fiesta and have it served by your caterers or serv ers. • You must name AIBF as an additional i nsured and provide a certificate of $1, 0 00,000 “host liab ility” insu r a nce prior to the start of Bal loon Fiesta no
Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook Page 17 Page 19