Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook

Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook Updated: February 2022

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 2 Dear Sponsor: Welcome to the 202 2 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiest a® . We look forward to having you as an integral part of our event. This Sponsor Handbook c o ntains all you nee d to know to make your sponsorship safe and successful. It is the responsibility of each sponsor and its staff to understand and follow our policies and procedures. As we plan and prepare for Balloon Fiesta, please share with us your qu e stions, sugges t ion s and comments. We value your help in improving our process and this handbook. You can reach our sponsorship team either by phone or the e - mail addresses listed below. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help. S oft Landin g s , Al Tetreault Pre sident Sponsorship Sales Team Stephanie Prendergast , Sponsorship Sales Director 505 - 821 - 1000 x 136 office 505 - 553 - 4434 cell 888 - 422 - 7277 toll free sprendergast @ bal loonfie sta.com Celia Capron , Sponsor Sales Representative 505 - 821 - 1000 x 201 office 214 - 641 - 7683 cell 888 - 422 - 7277 toll free ccapron @balloonfiesta.com Tra cey Ha wkin s , Sponsorship Sales Assistant 5 05 - 82 1 - 1 000 x 137 office 505 - 350 - 3365 cell 888 - 422 - 7277 toll free [email protected]

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 3 C ONTENTS GENERAL INFORMA TION • Balloon Fiesta Park Address / Phone ................................ . ........................ ........................ 4 • 20 2 2 Event Schedule .......... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 4 • Sponsor In formation Center and Hours of Operation ......... ........................ ........................ 6 • Service Providers ................................ ......... ........................ ............ ............ ............ ............ 6 • Parking ......... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 8 • First Aid ....... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 8 • Security ........ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 8 • Safety Tips .. ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 8 • Rules, Regulat ions and Guidelines .............. . ........ ........ ........... .................... ........................ 9 • Frequently Asked Questions ........................ ............... ...... ..................... ........................ 1 0 EXHIBITORS • Exhibitors and Product Sampling ................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 1 2 • Exhibit and Product Sampling Booth Operating Dates and Times ... .................. ......... 1 2 • Move - in and Move - out: Dates, Time s , Pr ocedures ............. ........................ ........................ 1 2 • Signage ........ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 1 3 • Insurance Requir ements ...... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 1 3 • Electricity .... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 1 3 • Product Distribution ........... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 1 3 • City of Albuquerque Mandatory Fire Codes ........................... ........... ........................ 1 4 CORPORATE VILLAGE • Corporate Tents or Fiesta Tents ................. ........................ ........................ ........................ 1 7 • Cater ing ................................ ....................... ........................ ........................ ........................ 1 7 • G ol f Carts ................................ ................... ........................ ........................ ........................ 20 BALLOON SP O NSORSHIPS • Sponsorship ........................ ................... ....................... ........................ ........................ 2 1 • Balloon Ride Rele as e form sample ............ ........................ ........................ ........................ 2 3

Sponsor and Exhibitor Handbook - Page 3

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 4 BALLOON FIESTA PARK ADDRESS / PHONE Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta Balloon Fiesta Park 5000 Balloon Fiesta Parkway NE Albuquerque, NM 87113 (888) 422 - 7277 or ( 5 05) 821 - 1000 202 2 EVENT SCHEDULE FR IDAY, SE PTEMBER 30 7:00a m Albuquerque Aloft (at local elementary schools) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 6:00am Dawn Patrol Show presented by Route 66 Casino Hotel and RV Resort 6:30am Krispy Kreme Morni ng Glow 6:45am Opening C e remonies 7:00am Mass Ascension 8:00 - noon C hainsaw Carving Exhibition 11:00 am Chainsaw Car ving Auction 2:00pm America’s Challenge Gas Balloon Inflation 3:00 - 6:00pm America’s Challenge Gas Balloon Race Launch 5:00 pm Team Fastrax ™ Skydi ving 6:00 pm America ’ s Challenge Gas Balloon Rac e Launch 6:00pm Twilight Twin k le Glow™ presented by Albuquerque Journal 7:30pm Team Fastra x ™ Skydiving 8:00pm* Aft erGlow™ Fireworks Show * S UNDAY, OCTOBER 2 6 :00am Dawn Patrol Show presented by Route 66 Casino Hotel and RV Resort 6:30am Krispy Kreme Morning Glow 7:00am Mass Ascen s i on 7:30 - 11: 00 am Remote Control Balloon Exhibition 8:00 - noon Chainsaw C arving Exhibition 9:00am Fiesta of Wheels Car Sho w (located on north end o f launch field) 11: 00am Balloon Fiesta Pin Trading (Group Tour Tent, north end o f Main Street) 11:00am Cha i n saw Carving Auction 3:00 - 6:00pm Chainsaw Carving Exhibition 5:00pm Team Fa strax ™ Skydiving 6:00pm Balloon Glow, p owered by Exxon Mo bil 7:30pm Team Fastrax ™ Skyd iving 8:00pm* AfterGlow™ Fireworks Show*

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 5 MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 6:00am Dawn Patrol 7:00am Bal loon Launch from the P a rk 8:00am Fly - In Competition 8:00 - noon Chainsaw Carving Exhibition 11 :00am Chainsaw Carving Auction TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4 | Coca - Cola Day 6: 00am Dawn P atrol 7:00am Balloon Launch from the Park 8:00am Fly - In Competition 8:00 - no o n C hainsaw Carving Exhibition 11:00am Chainsaw Carving Auction WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 6:00am Dawn Patrol Show presented by Route 66 Casino Hotel and RV Resort 6:30 a m Kris py Kreme Mo rning Glow 7:00am Flight of the Nations Mass Ascension 7:30 - 11: 00 am Rem o te Control Balloon Exhibition 8:00 - noon Chainsaw Carving Exhibition 11:00am Chainsaw Car ving Auction THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 | Kids’ Day presented by KOB - TV 4:30 am Kids’ Day Goodie Bag Distribution begins (Sou th of the Ma in Street Sta g e) 6:00am Dawn Pa trol 7:0 0am Special Shape Rodeo™ 8:00am Fly - In Competition 8:00 - noon Chainsaw Carving Exhibition 11:00am Chainsaw Carving Auction 3:00 - 6:00pm Chain saw Carving Exhibiti on 5:00pm T eam Fastrax ™ Skydiving 7:30pm Team Fastrax ™ Skydiving 6 :00pm Special Shape Gl o w deo™ 8 :00pm* AfterGlow™ Fireworks Show FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 6:00am Dawn Patrol 7:00am Special Shape Rodeo™ 7:30 - 11: 00 am Re mote Control Balloon Exhi b ition 8 :00am Fly - In Competition 8:00 - noon Chainsaw Carving Exhibition 11:00am Chainsaw Carving Auction 3 : 00 - 6 :00pm Chainsaw Carving Exhibition 5:00pm T eam Fastrax ™ Skydiving 6:00pm Special Shape Glowdeo™ 7:30pm Team Fastrax ™ Skydiving 8:00 pm* AfterG low™ Fireworks Show*

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 6 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 | ExxonMobil D ay 6:00am Dawn Patrol Show presented by Route 66 Ca sino Hotel and RV Resort 6:30am Krispy Kreme Morning Glow 7:00am Mass Ascension, p owered by ExxonMobil 8:00 - no on Chainsaw Carving Exhibition 11:00am Chainsaw Carving Auction 11:00am Balloon Fiesta Pin Trading (Group Tour Tent, north end of Main Street) 3:00 - 6:00 p m Chainsaw Carving Exhibition 5:00pm Team Fast rax ™ Skydiving 6:00 pm Night Mag ic™ Glow 7:30pm T eam Fastrax ™ Skydiving 8:00pm* AfterGlow™ Fireworks Show* SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9 6:00am Dawn Patrol S how presented by Route 66 Casino Hotel and RV Res ort 6:30am K ri spy Kre me Morning Gl ow 7:00am Farewell Mass Ascension 8:00 - noon Chainsaw Carving Exhibition *After Glow ™ fireworks shows will begin as soon as the launch field is clear of balloons, thus the starting times are approximate and sub ject to cha nge witho ut n o t ice. Ad ditionally, local police will m odify traffic flows to utilize all traffic lanes for outbound traffic only at the conclusion of each Glow event. So, if you want to watch the AfterGlow ™ fireworks shows from the Park, plan to arrive at t he Park in t i m e for tha t evening’s glow event. SPONSOR INFORMATION CENTER The Sponsor Information Cen ter is located at the west end of the restaurant building in t he Sponsor Hospitality area (Golf Training Center). Hours of Operat ion Morning Events 4 :30 am – 11:0 0 am Even ing Events 4:30pm – 8:00pm Sponsor Team members are available during all Balloon Fiesta sessions. Stephanie Prendergast (505) 553 - 443 4 Celi a Capron (214) 641 - 7683 Tracey H awkins (505) 350 - 3365

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 7 SERVICE PROVIDERS SHIP PING For se c urity, you must noti f y us in adva nce when to expect your shi pment, and its contents. Address all shipments to: Damian Du ran - Arias Balloon Fiesta 8901 Washington Street NE Albuquerque, NM 87113 Re: (your company) /booth/exhibit/inserts ELECT RICAL Da mian Duran - Arias , Field M an ager (505) 907 - 5444 BALLOON RIDES Ra inbow Ryders Official Balloon Ride Company (505) 823 - 1111 (800 ) 725 - 2477 E - mail: [email protected] TRAVEL and HOTE L RESERV ATIO N S www.ba l loonfiesta hotels .com Check under Guest Guide for hotel and ca r rental information. ( 505) 346 - 0522 (833) 229 - 9777 RV RESERVATIONS h ttp:/ / www.balloonfiesta.c om / rv - information Reservations for RV space at Balloon Fiesta Park will only be made online through the Balloon Fi esta RV link above . Phone reservations will not be accepted. The following information is provided as a conv enience for y ou. AIBF is not af fi liated with these companies and no en do rsement is intended. TENTS If you need to order a tent for your exhibit space, AIBF contracts with Choura Events . They can be reached at 310 - 320 - 6200. PROPANE If you need propane, tanks will b e provided by the A IB F - selected supplier. The propane supp li er will bill you directly for propane use. AIBF will supply propane for Corporate Village patio heaters. To order, contact a Sponsorship Team representative.

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 8 COLD AIR INFLATABLES - A separ ate a g reement wi th AIBF m us t be signed! Please contact a sponso rs hip team member. SECURITY – Additional security can be arra nged through the AIBF Public Safety office. Please contact the Public Safety Manager at the number below to determine cost s and a vaila b ility. Sean Wallace Public Safety Director 505. 821.10 00 swallace @balloonfiesta.com STAFFING If you require staff to help with your exhibit, the following names are furnished for your convenience. Ball oon Fiesta makes no representation as to thei r abi l ities or availabili ty . Rattler Booster Club (Staffing – n onprofit) Justin McGar vey (505) 8 4 6 - 5522 PARKING Regardless of your sponsorship, parking passes are in c luded in yo u r package. Ad di tional parking passes may be purchase d at the Sponsor Information Center or by completing the spons or Additional Items Form and returning it prior to the event. All nine - day parking passes have maps on the reverse side to help y o u locate th e route you m u st take for your parking. Keep in mind that weekend and evening sessions are busier than weekday mor ning events, so plan your trip accordingly. Please note that simply having a certain type of parking pass is not a guarantee of a parking spa c e being avai l ab le. Plan to a rrive at the Park n o lat er than 4:30 am for morning sessions, and 4: 0 0pm for evening se ssions. If you arrive after the recommended times, we cannot ensure availability of parking. FIRST AID The Lovelace Health S y stem First A id Center is ad jacent to the Public Safety Cent er, l ocated east of Main Street behind booth space # 85 . Lovelace He alth System emergency medical professionals provide on - site emergency medical care for problems ranging from minor scrapes to hea r t attacks. SECURITY P ol ice and Security Officers are on the field for your protection. In the event you need assistance an d cannot locate a n officer, please go to the Public Safety building, located east of Main Street behind booth space #85 . The Publ i c Safety co m pound is man n ed 24 hours a day during Balloon F iesta . AIBF assumes no liability for damages caused by theft, vand alism, weather conditions, etc.

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 9 SAFETY TIPS 1. Limit alcohol consumption. You’re at a mile - high altitude, which increases alcohol ’ s effect. 2. D r ess in layer s . It’s sometimes very cool in the morni ng, but after sunrise, it will warm up. 3. Bring sunscreen. You’r e at a high altitude and at risk for sunburn. 4. Bring appropriate eye protection. Sun and wind can damage your eyes on sunny or win d y days. 5. Don ’ t smoke anyw h er e near the balloons. A lit cigar ette can ignite a balloon’s propane fuel tank or melt the envelope’ s fabric. Smoking is Prohibi ted inside Balloon Fiest a Park by city ordinance . 6. Choose a place to meet in case someone gets separat e d. Make sur e children car ry identification. 7. Don’t “drive and wat ch” at the same time. 8. Watch where you’re walking. Beware of v e hicles moving around the field, especially emergency vehicles needing to get through the crowd. 9. Bring a flashlight for evening events. 10. Tak e note of wh er e you have parked your car – it’s mor e difficult to find in the dark . RULES, REGULATIONS AND GUIDE LINE S Alcoholic Beverages, Intoxicants – Except in approved Corporate Village areas, Sponsor shall not use or bring to Balloon F i esta Park gr o unds any al co holic beverages or any other intoxica nts. Cleaning of Exhibit Area – Keep your area and the area i mmed iately surrounding your space in a neat and clean condition. We appreciate your help in enhancing the appearance of Balloon Fi e sta Park. F i re Lanes - Th e Exhibit area is not accessible by v ehicle from 5:30 to 10:00 am, o r 5:00 to 9:00 pm. Parking is proh ibited on all fire lanes . V ehicles that are left on fire lanes will be towed at the owner’s expense and entry privileges to B a lloon Fiesta Park will b e revoked. Fire Extinguishers - Each t ent will be equipped with at le ast one hand - held fire extingui sher with a minimum rating of 2A:10BC. Such extinguisher will be currently inspected and tagged showing its annual servicing. Gam b ling, Games – Raffles an d other activities involving money for “chance” are prohibited. Handi cap Accessibility – Special par king and restroom facilities are provided at Balloon Fiesta Park. Courtesy carts are available for transportation from specific s t ops in Ballo o n Fiesta Pa rk to designated handicap parking lots . Courtesy carts are desig nated with signage. Balloon Fiesta P ark is over 360 acres w it h the la unch field consisting of more than 80 acres (approximately 54 football fields). S cooters and whee l chairs are a v ailable for rent.

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 10 Noise – Operat ion of sound equi pment, sound movies, bullhorns, televisions, radios, etc. shal l not be permitted when AIBF, in its sole discretion, determines such ope ration is obnoxious or encroaches upon the rights of othe r s. Equipme n t or display s causing excessive no ise will not be p ermitted. Pets – Pets are not allowed on Balloon Fiesta Park ; however trained and registered service animals are allowed. According to NMSA 1978 Section 28 - 11 - 6, emotional support animals a r e not consi d e red service animals. Smoking – Smoking is prohibi ted inside Balloon Fiest a Park by city ordinance. Vehicle A ccess – No sleeping or staying overnight is allowed on the Launch Field o r in P arking, C oncession or Corporate Village areas. If a vehicle is t o be left i n any of these areas , prior arrangement s must be made with Publ ic Safety and access to the vehicle mu st be granted. Failure to abide by these terms and conditions may result in immediate dismissal from current Balloon Fiesta sessi on s, or any fu t ure events . FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Who orga nizes the Balloon Fiest a ® ? Albuquerque International Balloon F iesta, Inc. organizes the Balloon Fiesta each year. It is a nonprofit or ganization with 1 9 full - time staff members. Hundreds of vo l unteers al so assist wit h Bal loon Fiesta. When should I arrive at Balloon Fiesta Park? Crowds for some of our sessions may re ach 90,000 people, so plan to arrive sooner rather than later. On weeke nd mornings we recommend you arrive at the Park by 4:3 0am ( Gates open a t 4:30am). For evening sessio ns, try to be at the Park by 4:0 0pm (Gates o pen at 3: 3 0pm). Where do we stand to w atch the balloons? Because of our 4 9 + year safety record, we are one of the only aviation events where you are actually able to wa l k among th e b alloons an d talk to the pilots. We are a hands - on event, but please be co urteous and walk around the balloons wh en they are laid out on the ground. Are pets allowed at Balloon Fiesta Park? Pets – No, however trained and registered service an i mals are a ll o wed. Acco r ding to NMSA 1978 Section 28 - 11 - 6, emot ional support animals a re not considered service animals. Is smoking allowed at Balloon Fiesta Park? Smoking is not allowed on the La unch Field. Are large packages and backpacks allowed at the park? Ye s , but all p ackages and backpacks are subject to se arch upon entering the Park.

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 11 Is B alloon Fiesta Park handicap accessible? Yes, we have handicap parking available as well as scooters and wheelchairs available for rent. There are also designa t ed courtesy g uest car t s that run behind the Concession tents on the east side of the Launch Field . How long does it take th e balloons to launch? It should take less than 2 hours to launch the balloons. Do balloons fly in the evening? No, the balloons are inflate d then te the r ed in a static display after sunset so their burners will illuminate the envelopes. Please check the Event Schedule for evening session dates and times. How many acres is Balloon F iesta Park? Balloon Fiesta Park is over 360 acre s, with the L aunch Fi eld more than 80 acres – about the size of 54 football fields. Are there ATM machines located at Balloon Fiesta Park? ATM machines are located at the north, middle (near Main Stage), and south ends of Main Street. Is there seating a vailable at B alloon Fi est a Park? Yes, a limited number of picnic tables are available on the east side of the Launch Field. Gu ests are also welcome to bring chairs to Balloon Fiesta Park. What should I wear? Temperatures in the morning may be as low as 40 degrees Fah r enheit, w arm ing up to about 70 degrees by noon. Bri ng a jacket and dress in layers. R emember to wear comfortable walking shoes and bring sunscreen. Is there Security at Balloon Fiesta Park? Poli ce Officers and Security Officers are on the fie ld for your p rotection . In the event you need assistance and ca nnot locate a security officer, pl ease go to the Public Safety building, located east of booth space #85 . The Public Safety building is manned 24 hours a day. AIBF assumes no liability for d amages cause d by theft , v andalism, weather conditions, etc. Wha t are the dates of future Balloon Fiestas? 2022 : October 1 - 9 ( 50 th Event) 2023 : October 7 - 15 2 024: October 5 - 1 3

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 12 EXHIBITORS AND PRODUCT SAMPLING Product Sampli ng booths are 10’ x 10’ t ents or sp a ces located on the wes t side of Main Street, directly across from the concessions. They ar e used t o distribute information and/or samples of your company’s products to Ball oon Fiesta guests. Each booth is furnished with one table, two chairs, ar tificial t u rf, a ceiling fan with light , el ectrici ty and a fire extinguisher. A n 8’ tent banner is al so provided. No dis tribution of pamphlets and/or other printed materials is permi tted outside your Product Sampling booth. Busine ss solicitations/demons tr ations mus t be confined exclusively to regist ered E xhibitors in their exhibit space. No Product Sa mpling Booth or E xhibitor shall assign, sublet or share the whole or any part of the space allocated. Exhib it Spaces have varying sizes, depending on th e exhibit. W hen nego tiating your contrac t, p lease discuss your parking a nd admission needs with your S ponsor Team member. Any additional p asses needed o utside of the contract must be paid for at the time of rec eipt. If your exhibit is self - contained, grea t! If you ne e d a te nt for your exhibit, o nly white “Legends” or “Pagoda” style tents with peaks are per mitted. Choura Events, 310 - 320 - 6200, is our official tent company. EXHIBIT OPERATING TIMES AM SESSIONS : 4: 30am - 1 0 :00am PM SESS IONS: 4: 0 0pm - 9:0 0 pm These are m i nimum hours that your space needs to be st affed. Staff ing from 10 :00am to 4:00pm is at yo ur discretion. We suggest you plan to be on site no later than 4: 0 0am and 3:30pm. MOVE - IN DATES / PROCEDUR ES Move in can begin as ea rly as the Monday th ro ugh Friday preceding the start of Ballo on Fies ta. Balloon Fiesta runs the first through the second w eek ends of October. Notify your Sponsor Team member one hour prior to set up so arrangements can be made to make your set - up as sm ooth as possible. Main St reet at Ba l loon Fiesta Park is closed t o vehicles beginning the Friday prior to Opening Day. MOVE - OU T DATES / TIMES / PROCEDURES Move out can begin as ea rly as 12 noon – 5 :00 pm on the final Sun day of Balloon Fiesta, and 9:00 am - 5 :00pm on the Monday thr ou gh Wednesd a y following Balloon Fiesta. All belongings and trash must be removed from your exhibit sp ace. • Any exhibit that has trash r emaining after move - out could forfeit future invitations to exhibit. • Any m erchandise or booth mat erial remaining in the te nt is subj e ct to being removed at the o wner’s risk. • Balloon Fiesta is not respon sible for loss or dam age of property.

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 13 SIGNAGE For Pro duct Sampling booths only, Balloon Fiesta will produce a banner with your company name. These ban ners are placed on the fl agpoles on the top front of your tent. • Hand written signs are not acceptable. • No sign may block the view of neighboring exhibits. • A IBF is not responsible for any signage placed by Sponsors. INSURANCE REQUI REMENTS As a Product Sam pling Booth or Exhibito r, y ou must p rovide a certificate of insu rance including a minimum of $1,000,000 liability insurance an d nam e AIBF as an a dditional insured by September 1 st . ELECTRICITY No Generators are allowed except with prior written authorizat ion from AIBF. Elect ric i ty is av a ilable for all Product Sampli ng booths and most E xhibit spaces. Please note the maximum amo unt of electricity you’ll be allowed in your contract. Please make sure you have adequate extension cords to support your electric al needs. Code Enforce men t inspect o rs requite that only “outdoor rated” cords be used. Any additional electrical services that you order will be at your expense and will be billed by AIBF’s electrical contractor to your account. PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION The s ale, distribution or d isp lay of th e following items is strictly prohibited : • Alcoholic beverages • Baseball caps • Balloon postcard s • Calendars • Jackets • Posters • Shirts (of any kind – tees, golf, sweats, etc.) • AIBF programs or any official AIBF products without a separate written agree men t from AI B F. • Glow products of any confi guration, light swords, light sticks, children’s lighted head gear ( i.e., “ears”, “horns”, “antennae”, etc.) of fiber optic lighted novelties. • Any product in conflict with any Sponsor’s exclus ive right to sell or p rom ote their product to include but not li mited to the following: o Dairy products – Creamland Dairy o Soft drinks, water, juice, etc. – Coca Cola Any product(s) not sp ecifically approved of in your Balloon Fiesta Sponsorshi p A greement is also prohibited.

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 14 C I TY OF ALBUQ U ERQUE MANDATORY FIRE CODE S General Fire Safety 1. Each and every tent, booth, structure , concession vehicle area o r section, shall have available at least one hand - held fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2A:10BC. Such extinguisher shal l be current l y inspected and be tagged showing it s annual servicing. 2. Sidewalls, drops, and tops of a ll tents, canopies, and tem porary membrane structures shall m eet “State of Califo rnia Fire Marshal’s Office” certified fire - retardant construction as per Se c tion 2404.2 of the IFC. No other type of canopy/t ent will be allowed. 3. Vegetation, straw, hay, wood chips, bark or other simila r combustible materials shall not be used as flooring mate rial cover in any vendor, display or assembly area. 4. Decorative materia l shall be o f non - combustible type or shall be mad e “Flame Retardant” in accordance with the fire co de. 5. Firebreaks that are erec ted in each row of tents or struc tures shall be kept f ree of any material(s) at all times. 6. Fire lanes shall be kept clear of veh i cles during hours of operation. 7. Parki ng of motor vehicles or anything with an internal combustion e ngine shall not be closer th an thirty (30) feet to any tent, booth or structure. N OTE: Vehicles may be used for storage only if the vehicle is not moved or t he engine i s not started for the dura tion of the event. Vehicles are not to be located within the t ent. Fuel tanks shall be sea led, be no more than ¼ tank full, or hold no more than fiv e (5) gallons. One battery cable shall be disconnected. Concrete barri e rs will be p laced behind the vendor r ow after the first day of the Balloon Fiesta in order to seal in any parked vehicles used for storage. 8. At least one “NO SMO KING” sign shall be p oste d in each booth or area. Signs shall be posted in areas conspicuous to the public. 9. Only approved and listed UL, FM, or N RTL three wire extension cords will be allowed to be used . Frayed, broken, cra cked or taped insulation will not be acceptable. Mult i - pl ug adapters shall not be used, but “strip plugs” with their own circui t breakers m a y be used. Voltage drop m ust be consi dered with length of extension cord and wire gauge used. C ooking and L.P. Gas (Propane) NOTE: All items from preceding section als o ap ply. 1. There is no natural gas available in the Exhibit areas. The use o f propane g a s will be allowed. There shall be No Smoking allowed in the area between temporary stru cture and jersey barriers an d within 15 feet of propane tanks behind vendor row. 2. A ny a reas used for cooking of products that produce grease - laden vapors, sh a ll meet the minimum extinguisher requ irement for each booth or space of a 2A:10BC. In addition , a c urrently inspected and tagge d for service “Type K” wet chemic al extinguisher shall be available in cooking areas.

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 15 3. L.P. Gas supply shall be handled by certi fi ed L.P. Ga s personnel only . Supplier shall provid e a 124 - gallon maximum capacity tank for each foo d vendor stand. Connections m ay manifold to supply additional cooking or heating de vic es within that particular food vendor stand if in compliance with NFPA 5 8, and Cha p ter 38 of the IFC. No ind ependent, pri vately owned tanks shall be in use, except on aux iliary units, such as approve d L.P. Gas tent heaters. Balloon Fiesta shall be respo nsi ble for arranging the proper placement of tanks. NOTE: Refilling of t an ks is perm i tted only during non - sess ion hours. 4. L. P. Gas (propane) must be shut off at the supply d uring times when the tent is not occupied. 5. Any hose used to p ipe L.P. Gas to a devi ce shall be UL or FM listed specifically for LP Gas service. All coupling s, fittings, and any other devices sha ll meet the r equirements for LP Gas Service as outlined in the International Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 58 and NFPA 54, or be deem ed unapproved and remo ved from service. 6. All cooking appliances shall be listed and approved. Al l deep - fryin g shall be conducted in a listed and ap proved deep fryer. 7. All appliances used in food bo oths must have an accessible shut - off valve near the applianc e that can be easily c los ed in case of emergency. 8. Gas burning equipment in enclosed areas shall b e vented t o the outside air by means of a flue or vent approved for use with the type of equipment used in such a manner that n o portion of the tent or struc ture is within twelve (1 2 ) inches of the flue or vent. 9. A minimum clear space of three (3) feet s h all be allo w ed between any heat prod ucing device and combustible material(s), except as noted belo w: A heat producing device may be installed within three (3) feet if the walls of the structure in which it is installed have a minimum 5/8 type X gypsum boa r d, or the d e vice has 5/8 type X gyps um board on b oth sides closest to the tent or temporary membra ne structure and a minimum of t hirty - six (36) inches above th e heated surface of the d evice. Cooking and L.P. Gas (Propane) EXAMPLE 5/8" sheetrock wall of tent or str u cture minimum 3 ft. clea rance or 5/8' sheetrock secured in place both exposed sides 10. The owner or operator sh all check the LP Gas, devices o r appliance upon “setti ng up” and then whenever changes, adjustments or refills occur. This can b e done with soapy water sprayed on v alves, fittin gs, etc. 11. Toxic, explosive or flammable gases shall not be permitted in any booth or tent. Flammable liquid s shall not be used at an y time.

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 16 The above requirements are excerpts from the City of Albuquerq u e Fire Code , Ordinance No. 0 - 2005 - 03 4, and are LA W . Failure to comply with these guidelines will r esult in the citing, closure o r removal of the operation from Balloon Fiesta site by a uthorities. The City of Albuquerque has adopted the Fire Code into Ord i nance 0 - 200 5 - 034 in order for the Al buquerque Fir e Department to prescribe minimum standards regul ating conditions hazardous to life and property from fire and explosion within the c it y. The Fire Department’s Fire Marshal’s Office shall contact and inspec t all occupa n cies (buildings, busines ses, faciliti es, tents, booths, temporary membrane structures, etc.) to determine compliance with the requirements of the F ire Code. The Fire Dep ar tment shall collect fees for each inspection of an occupancy required t o obtain a p e rmit according to Chapte r 1 Section 1 05 of the 2003 International Fire Code . The inspe ction fee schedule is as follo ws: an initial inspection for a permit will be based o n square footage; no fee for the first required re - inspection; thereafter , each addit i onal re - inspection is $6 0.00 until yo ur facility is operating in compliance with the F ire Code. It is unlawful for a ny person, firm or corporation to use a building or pr em ises or engage in any activities for which a permit is required by the F ire Code wi t hout having first obtain ed such permi t as required by the provision of the Fire Code. If there are any questions reg arding these items, please feel free to contact the Fi re Marshal's Office at (505) 764 - 6300 during regular business hours. COR PORATE VILL A G E The following information sho uld be helpful if your spon sorship includes a Fiesta Tent or a Corporat e Tent . Fiesta Tents, Corporate Tents a nd the Sponsor Hospitality Area are collectiv ely known as Corporate Village. Corpora te Village is located at t he far south end of the launch fi eld at Balloon Fi esta Park. Fiesta Tents are the first s ix tents on the east side and th e two tents east of the G ondola club , beginning just west of Main Stre et. Corporate Tents make up the remaind er of the ten t spaces, w i t h the Sponsor Hospitality buildin g located near th e center o f the south end of the launch field. Fiesta and Corporate Ho spitality Tents are 40’ x 20’ tents with approximately 40’ x 40’ patio s. Your patio area will have twelve (12 ) 48” round t ables with s i x (6) chairs at each table. Insid e the tent, for y our catere r’s use, will be four (4) 8’ tables. All tab les include clean linen. Each Fiesta Tent will also have two (2) heaters and two (2) tr ash cans. One (1) can will be located i n the patio a rea, and on e (1) will be at the patio entrance because food and drinks ar e not allowed to leave the Corporate Village area. Each tent will be equipped with at least one hand - held fire extinguisher with a rating of 2A:10BC. Such extinguisher sh all be curren tly inspect e d and tagged showing its annual se rvicing. If you a re not sat isfied with the condition of your Fiesta Ten t before your eve nt, please visit the Spon sor Information Center, located in Corporate Village. Sponsor Representatives will b e visiting yo ur Fiesta T e n t to make sure everything is in g ood order. If you will be serving alcohol in your hospitality tent (Fi esta or Corporate Tent) y ou must name AIBF as an additional insured and provide a certi ficate of $1,000,000

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 17 “host liability” i nsurance prio r to the st a r t of Bal loon Fiesta no later than September 1st. (This cove rage is probably included in your basic insu rance policy.) Each Hospitality Tent wil l have One (1) 120 - volt 20 - amp outlet per 2 0’ frontage . Please make sure you have ad equate extens ion cords t o support your electrical needs. Co de Enforcement inspectors r equire that no less than 14 gauge molded “outdoor rated” exte nsion cords be used. Whe n you rent a Fiesta Tent for a session, Ballo on Fiesta will pro vide signage with you r company nam e. This sig n a ge is then placed on a flag stand in the patio area of your tent before your session. This allows your guests to se e whic h tent your com pany is oc cupying. Each Fiesta Tent has a number on the back, or south side, of the tent. This is to enable your cater e r to identify your tent. Your cate rer must know which tent yo u will be occupying. A confirmation letter will be sent to yo u with this inf ormation i n September . Corporate Tent sponsors will hav e their company names on the back of th eir tents and on the fla g stand in their patio area. Inclu ded in your Fiesta Tent or Corporate Tent sponsorship is a number of “guest wristb ands ” or Corporate Vi llage butt ons. These wristbands or buttons allow your guests entry into your tent area. Pleas e note that n e ither a wr is t band n or a button is valid for p arking or admission to the Park. Any additional tables and chairs required for your t ent must be ordered from our official tent/equipment supplie r , Choura Events at 310 - 320 - 6200 . Orders after A ugust 1 st may i ncur a lat e f ee. Ch arges for additional tabl es and chairs must be paid to the tent provider at time of order with a credit card. Pl ease do not remove furnis hings from other tents or patios. Admiss ion to Fiesta Te nt and Corporate Tent Hospi t ality Area s : G uests will b e admitted to Corporate Village o nly upon presentation of a wristband identifying them as an invited guest. Fiesta Tent s ponsorship contracts incl ude 150 wristbands for each tent rented; how ever, up to 1 00 more may be requested a t no charge. Pl ease keep in mind the seating capacity of you r tent when ordering additi onal wristbands. Children 1 2 and under accompanied by an adul t do not require a wristb and for entry. Note: Guest wristbands and/ or buttons ar e not valid for parking or a dmission to B alloon Fie st a Park. PLEASE ADVISE YOUR GUE STS THAT EARLY ARRIVAL IS E SSENTIAL! We recommend that your guests be on the field by 4: 30 am for morning session s and 4:0 0 pm for evening sessions. Parking in the lots south of your Hospitality Tent area requi res a Corp or a te Village Parking “B” Pass. Th e rev erse side of the Corpo rate Village Parking Pass contains both a map and written dir ections for accessing the lot. After crossing over the bridge into t he parking area, you should make an imm ediate right tu rn to park . Any vehicle other than Official Chase Vehicles north of the Corporate Village tents (on the Launch Field side of the ten ts) will be towed at owne r’s expense.

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 18 Trans it Bus Pass passengers mus t have an admission ticket to enter Bal loon Fiesta Par k. Guest w r istbands and/or buttons ar e not valid for a dmission to Ball oon Fiesta Park. CATERING & RELATED CATERERS AIBF has c ontracted with a “preferr ed caterer” for Corporate Village Tents. We will provide their contact information to you upon req uest. Alte rn a tively, you may contract with a different catering company provided they comply with AIBF rules for caterers. Please no te all Corporate Village caterers must register with Balloon Fiesta a s well as provide a copy of a Temporary Food permit is sued by th e C ity of Albuquerque Environmental He alth Department no later tha n September 1 st . We must know the name of your catering company, date and session it will be catering and the size of its cat ering vehicle. Because of space constra ints, Balloon F iesta may be required to limit the number, lo cation and siz e of catering vehicles and f acilities. All catering vehicles requir e Parki ng Pass. One of the two C orporate Village Parking Passes valid for yo ur session (specified in your contract) must be provid ed to your c a terer. CLEAN - UP • T he use of g lass bottles on the grass a reas of Balloon Fiesta Park is pr ohibited both because of the danger of broken glass a nd the difficulty of removing bottle caps. B ottle caps hidden in the grass cause ma jor problems with the Cit y’s m o wing equipment • It is expected that your tent and surroun ding areas will be left in as good a shape as you found them, with the exception of re asonable wear and tear. All trash must be pi cked up and remove d from the tent and p atio area. Please make s ure y o ur caterer removes all food a nd equipment prior to leavi ng the Park. • Balloon Fiesta will make sure that your tent ar ea and tables are clean b efore your event, however, we do not do any cleaning of tables during the event. S ince your tent is your pr ivate area during each event, there will be no trash pickup se rvice inside your tent or patio area. Trash bags will be supp lied, and when trash cans are full, please remove the bag, tie it shu t and place it beh ind your tent for pic kup. If you find that y ou do not have a sufficient number of trash bags, please notif y a Sponsor Representative in the Sponsor Information Center and they will assist you. LIQUOR GUIDELINES • Liquor service is allowe d and may be served all nine days, incl u ding Sundays. • No alcohol may b e sold or purchased in Corpor ate Village. • You must utili ze “certified” alcohol servers. • Liquor service must be to you r invited guests only. • Mi nors may not serve, possess or consume alcoh ol. • Intoxicated persons may not possess or consume alcoho l. • No a lcoh o l may be removed from your ten t and patio area. • You must obtain the alcohol prior to Balloon Fiesta and have it served by your caterers or serv ers. • You must name AIBF as an additional i nsured and provide a certificate of $1, 0 00,000 “host liab ility” insu r a nce prior to the start of Bal loon Fiesta no

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 19 later than S eptember 1st. (This coverage is probably included in your ba sic insurance policy.) I CE It is strongly suggested that your catere r provide any ice they may need. If ad d itional ice is ne eded, p leas e come to the Sponsor Hospitali ty office located on the we st side of the permanent building to purchase additional bags . FIRE LANES The Fire Lane (Pedestrian Walkway) behind the Corpor ate Village tents may be used only to l oad and unload you r vehic les; h owever, this area is not acce ssible from 6:00 am - 10:00a m or 5:00 pm - 9:00pm . Parking is prohibited on all fire lanes . Vehicles that are left on the fire lanes for an extended period or that cause traffic problems for other vehicles will be t owed at owne r ’s expense and entry privileg es to Balloon Fiesta Park w ill be revoked. HANDICAP AC CESSIBILITY Special parking and restroom facilities are provided at Balloon Fiesta Park. Courtesy carts are available for transportation from specific stops i n Bal loon Fi e sta Park to designated hand icap parking lots . Courtesy carts are desig nated with signage. Balloon Fiesta Park is o ver 360 acres w it h the la unch field consisting of more than 80 acres (approximately 54 football fields). S cooters and wheelchair s ava ilable f or rent. G OLF CARTS If your contract includes a go lf car t , it will be available for pick up a t the north end of the shuttle lane bet ween the Launch Field and Main Street on the two days prior t o Balloon Fiesta: Thursday 9:00am - 5:00 pm a nd Frid ay 9:00 a m - 12:00 pm. Before being i ssued a key, sponsors must sign a form assuming financial responsibili ty for any damage to the golf cart and agre eing to certain operating rules. If you are unable to pick up your golf cart on Thursday or Friday, g olf c arts wi l l be held at Concession Hea dquar ters during Balloon Fi esta. Concession Headquarters is located on the fire lane jus t south of the Stage and east of Main Street (Concession Row). Sponsors are responsible for keeping their golf carts filled wi th ga s. For y our convenience, gas for ca rts r egistered with Balloon Fiest a can be obtained (free of charge) at the northwest cor ner of the launch fie ld, Monday - Friday, 11 :00 am – 1 :00 pm. Golf cart drop off will be on the final Sunday of Balloon Fiesta at the n orth en d of the shuttle lane betwee n the Launch Field and Main Stree t. Golf Cart drop off will begin as s oon as all balloon s have launched. All golf carts including locks and associated keys must be returned by 12 pm.

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 20 The use of golf carts at Balloon Fies ta Park is not allowed unless the v ehicl e is registered with A IBF an d has the current AIBF sticker displa yed. All operators must be at least 16 year s old and possess a valid driver’s license, insurance and an AIBF issued permit. Operators are expected to o perate g olf carts in a responsible manne r at all times or golf cart privileges will be revoked. Scooters and all - terrain ve hicles are not allowe d. BALLOON SPONSORSHIPS A Balloon sponsorship – bannered, commercial or non - profit – is a wonde rful wa y to partici p ate in Balloon Fiesta! Your balloon may fl y in all events during Balloon Fiesta tha t are scheduled f or standard shape hot air ba l loons. If your sponsored balloon is a special shape it may also fly in events designed exclusively for spec ial sha pe balloons. If you are spo nsoring a bannered balloon, AIBF will assist you in purchasing your banner. If needed , a balloon and pilot will b e located to fly your banner, and banner measurements will be determined to best fit the balloon. We will ne ed a pi cture ( ve cto r art file in on e of the following form ats : . eps or .pdf with CYMK color profile ) of your company logo. After acquiring a p rice q uote, we will send you, via email, a copy of the banner and pri ce quote for your approval. No banner will be produc ed without y o ur written appr oval. Purchasing a banner i s a one - time expense. The banner belongs to your company and may be flown in as many B alloon Fiestas as you like, as lon g as a contract is signed and the sponsorship fee is paid for the applicab le Ball oon Fiesta. PLEASE NOTE: Th e pilot chosen to display y our banner may be a competition pilot and , if so, may launch outside of Balloon Fiesta Park on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday morning(s) and att empt to fly into the Park. Commercial balloo n spons orships requ i re that the spo nsorship contract be signed and the fee is paid. The balloon and pil ot will register thr ough the normal reg istrat ion process for pilots. All pilots of sponsored balloons shall receive a pilot jacket. SPONSOR JACKETS Spon sor jac kets may be p ersonalized wit h your company name or logo if the Sponsor Information and Jacket Or der Form is complete d and received by B alloon Fiesta by the date specified on t he Jacket Order Form. Additi onal sponsor jackets may be ordered prior to the eve nt at a cost of $1 5 0.00 per jacket with no additional c harge for personalization. These addition al orders will be fi lled based on avail abilit y. CONTACTING YOUR PILOT In early September, you will receive a letter from Balloon Fiesta with information about your pilot. Y our pilot will also receive a similar lett er with your information. You will be giv en contact informati on so that you are able t o get in touch with him or her pri or to the event to discuss yo ur rides, and set up a time and place to meet . It i s the sponso r ’s responsibili ty to make arrangements for their rides.

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 21 BALLOON RIDES Your Ballo on Sponsorship benef its include two bal loon r ides (1 person = 1 ride). If you n eed additional rides, our off icial balloon ride company is Rainbow Ryders, (505) 823 - 1111 or ( 800) 725 - 2477. You may also email rainbowryders@r ainbowryders.com o r visi t www.rainbowryders .com . Balloon Fiesta guests who will receive a ball oon ride fro m the Official B alloon Ride Concessionaire will be asked to sign a release and discl aimer of liability a t the time of their ride. The release and disclaimer will b e similar to the one at the e nd of this manual. SPONSOR HOSPITALITY PASS ES One of the benef i ts of your spon sorship is receiving passes to the Sponsor Hospitality Area. The pas s allows the holder entry into the area for c omplimentary food and beverages dur ing each session of the event . A breakfast buffet is served from 5:30 am to 8:3 0am and mid - m orning snacks a re served from 9: 3 0am - 11: 00 pm. An evening buf fet is served from 5: 00pm - 8:00 pm. The b ar service hours ar e 7: 00 am - 11:00 am and again from 5:00 pm - 8: 3 0 pm . The Sponsor Hospitality area is not open on Monday, Tuesday or Wednes day evenings . A balloon sp onsorshi p normally includes two of these passes. Please note that one pass admits one pe rson per session. All gue sts 7 years or older must have a pass to enter. If needed, sponsors may purch ase additional all session adul t passe s for $3 00 e a ch or single se ssion passes for $4 0 each. Weekly child passes are $75 and sin gle session child passes a re $15 . Sponsor pilots a lso rec eive two weekly passes to the a rea. These passes are not available to the general public.

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 22 Re lease and Wa iver of Liability, Assumptio n of Risk and Indemnification Agreement: In consideration o f being permitted t o part icipate in any way in hot air balloo ning activities conducted by __________ _______________ ___________ _____ [ pilot ’ s name] (hereafter c alled “O perator”), I UNDERSTAND and AGREE as follows: 1. My participation may involve being a pas senger in a free - fl oating aircraft cont rolled by wind and wea ther conditions at high altitudes; on - g round activities related t o hot a ir ba l l ooning; riding in a chase o r other vehicle; or being a passenger in a tethered balloon (hereafter collectively refer red to as the “acti vities ”). Participa ting in the activities is potentially hazardous and could res ult in my severe injury or death. Dur i n g my participation in the activities, I will be expose d to numerous risks, including, but not limited to, hard or e mergency landings, capsiz e of basket or other vehicle, collis ion with obstacles on the ground or in the air, injury from natur al or m an - ma d e conditions, accident or il lness in remote places witho ut medical facilities, negligent rescue operations, immersion in water, hypother mia, a crophobic cond itions, incidents rela ted to ascents and descents, injury fro m other balloons or people , pilot erro r , equipment failure, falling from the balloon while in t he air or on the ground, fire or flame, temperature extremes, or inclement weath er con ditions or adv erse weather - related i ncidents, trip - and - fall hazards, animal and insect attacks, traff ic acci dents , loss of or damage to person al property, arrest for tres passing or other violations of the law, and latent risks of a ny nature. I never theles s ACCEPT THESE RISKS and wish to par ticipate in the activities. 2. Although Operator has taken reason able pr ecaut i o ns to provide an air - worthy balloon, equipment and safe ty preparations for each activity, it is impossible for Opera tor to guarantee my safet y. Also, I un derstand that I share the responsibility for safety during th e activities, and I accept this r espon s i bility. I agree to comply with the instructions and di rections of Operator and Operator’s personnel before, during and after the fligh t, whi le participati ng as crew, and at all times during the activities. I have n o physical or psychologica l probl ems t h a t would prohibit me from pa rticipating in a hot air bal loon flight or rough landing. If I perceive anything as dang erous and as a resu lt wis h to terminate my participation in t he activities, I will notify the Operat or immediately. 3. I her eby rel ease a n d waive any and all claims for negligence against Opera tor, and their agents, representatives, sponsors, insurers, s uccessors, and assi gns (t he “releasees” ) for any injury, loss , or damage I may suffer, that may be i n any way related to the a ctiviti es. I covenant not to sue for suc h claims. I intend for this release and waiver to be as broad and inclusive as allowed b y law and if any po rtion of this Agreem ent is held invalid, t he remaining portions shall be in full legal force and effect. 4. I wi ll in d e mnify and hold harmless the releasees from any loss, li ability, damage, or cost they may incur arising out of or rel ated in any manner to my participation in the activities. I HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT AND AGREE TO B E FULLY BOUND BY ALL OF IT S TERMS AND C O NDITIONS.

Albuquerque Interna tional Balloon Fies ta ® S ponsor Handboo k - 23 Name_____________ _____________ Age ( if under 18 years ) _______ Pilot ______________________ Address ______ _______________ ____ _City ____________S t ate_______ Zip _______ _ Telephone – Home ____________ Cell __ __________ __ Signature __ _______ _____ _ _ ____________________ Guar dian___ Parent___ Date_ _____________